FIH Statutes

A Time For Big Decisions

Following the judgement handed down in the High Court of Delhi last week one would have expected a statement to have been made by the International Hockey Federation in relation to the findings and their President. This has nothing to

Voting Rights or Wrongs?

On the 18th of May 1860 the United States Republicans voted after a third ballot for Abraham Lincoln to be their Presidential candidate; he would go on to become the United States 16thPresident.  The favourite in the Republican election for

Adjusting The Sails

“We can’t change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust the sails,” is an Indian proverb, and it is one that may well be worth remembering in the coming month. Much has been written on what is claimed

Oh Dear Sir

Have you ever heard of the saying, “They went to the well once too often?” It is said to be a saying that originates from the 14th century and basically means that you should not keep calling on the same