FIH Pro League

Too Much International Sport?

Playing for your country is the pinnacle in most sports. It is an honour and a privilege, and something that once achieved can never be take away. In some countries it is still a treasured moment every time a player

Public Opinion – It Cuts Both Ways.

“We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.” These words were uttered by French sociologist, philosopher and cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard, who passed away in 2007. He was respected globally for

Podcast #97 – The Role of the Media Manager, Sha’Carri Richardson’s Spot of Bother, and A Missed Opportunity.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Despite so little international sport there is still plenty to discuss, especially with the Olympic Games just around the corner. Following on from one of our topics under discussion (Podcast #96)in this show we catch up with former Springbok Media

The Resignation The Sport Had To Have

In November of 1990 with Australia in a recession the former Prime Minister of Australia, who was at that time the Treasurer, Paul Keating, uttered the famous line “this is a recession that Australia had to have.” On Monday of

Voting Rights or Wrongs?

On the 18th of May 1860 the United States Republicans voted after a third ballot for Abraham Lincoln to be their Presidential candidate; he would go on to become the United States 16thPresident.  The favourite in the Republican election for