FIH Congress

An Opportunity For Change

Yesterday the President of the FIH Narinder Dhruv Batra resigned from his position as head of the world sport. He did the honourable thing. Faced with yet another court case in India, and having the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)

Money Talks. Does That Explain The Silence?

As most great leaders know there is a time to be heard and a time to be silent. This is what makes them great, being able to differentiate between the two. If you misjudge those moments it can result in

College Cuts Could Have A Far-Reaching Impact

What is symmetry? Is it two bookends adding a symmetry to a number of different height and width books? Or is it two identical vases on either side of a mantelpiece? Why as humans are we drawn to symmetry? Is

Away From The Numbers

News from Lausanne last week that the International Hockey Federation had signed a ten-year deal with a company that is going to deliver digital media solutions and a “ground-breaking fan engagement service,” was no doubt music to many hockey fans

Feeling The Pinch

The postponement of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics Games will cost the International Olympic Committee “several hundred million dollars” of added costs President Thomas Bach told German newspaper Die Welt. In the same interview he went on to say that it