
“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs” is the opening line and a half of the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling. The end of that second line reads, “and blaming it on you.” There

A Level Paying Field

Whenever people refer to sporting contests the phrase ‘it must be an even playing field’ invariably pops up. Over the years the interpretation of the phrase has changed. It used to mean that the conditions for all contests and or

The Selection Policy

Sport is loved by many the world over. Yet how many people really know the sport they love? They may know individual teams, players or statistics and results from years gone by, but how many know how the sport is

It Takes Two to Quango

Recently in conversation with an elite athlete they asked a question that could not be answered. ‘We as athletes get judged on our performance, if we fail individually we get dropped from the squad or the elite program. If the