FIFA Women’s World Cup

Women’s Sport Coming to the Fore

There is a saying behind every successful man there is a woman pushing hard. This may soon be changed to behind every successful sport there are women pushing hard. As in Australia it would appear that women are very much

Sitting it Out

In dancing parlance the Waltz is described ‘as a smooth, progressive ballroom and folk dance, performed primarily in closed position.’ Closed position means ‘dancing with a partner and where both parties hold each other while facing at least approximately toward each other.’

Socceroos Make a Stand

It is extremely unfortunate that the Socceroos first visit to Perth in ten years has now been hijacked by a dispute between the Professional Footballers Australia (PFA) and the Football Federation of Australia (FFA). Thursday’s game will be an historic

No Fun Being a Lady

There has been a huge debate on racism in sport in Australia over the past month, but what about sexism in sport in Australia? It was interesting to read during Wimbledon nine time champion of the tournament Martina Navratilova say