
The NPL Hot Potato

Being a sports administrator is an unenviable task, of that there can be no doubt. Yet sometimes administrators do make a rod for their own backs. Sadly in the case of Football, Football West are finding themselves under fire again

Adapting to the Rules or Adapting to the Game, Which is More Important?

The great thing about football is that it has always been a very simple game. For some reason the game could not just be left as it was in Australia. The FFA were forced to introduce a Cup competition, which

Sacking Raises Deeper Questions

Earlier this week an event took place that despite its almost inevitability, was still not pleasant. It also highlighted an issue that has been threatening to raise its head ever since the FFA and the state bodies started pushing clubs

Sitting it Out

In dancing parlance the Waltz is described ‘as a smooth, progressive ballroom and folk dance, performed primarily in closed position.’ Closed position means ‘dancing with a partner and where both parties hold each other while facing at least approximately toward each other.’

Should Non-Elite Sport be Run as a Business?

Today Sport is a business, but how is the business of sport holding up? The answer is it depends who you talk to. If you look at the elite level around the world it would appear that top flight sport