
Will Bigger Mean Better?

Last week the Football Federation of Australia announced two new Franchises for the A-League.  It is fair to say that the announcement was met by indifference rather than excitement.  One new team, Western Melbourne will join the A-League in season

A Long Off Season For Glory, and One That Must See Change

Sadly for Perth Glory the 2017/18 season has been a disappointing one. They failed to make the finals, which is a massive blow when only four teams in the league miss out on being a part of the end of

Time to Listen to The Fans

It has been a well publicised fact that support for the A-League has diminished in 2017/18, and many have tried to explain why this has happened. The A-League Club owners have their own ideas as to why this has been

Celebrating Milestones, But Still Struggling for Recognition

The A-League is celebrating ten years in existence, and is soon to enter those terrible teenage years. It has faced a number of challenges in recent years, clubs withdrawing, owners walking away and this season probably one of its biggest,