Cristiano Ronaldo

Public Opinion – It Cuts Both Ways.

“We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.” These words were uttered by French sociologist, philosopher and cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard, who passed away in 2007. He was respected globally for

Making It Count.

In individual sporting contests there is no need for a Player of the Match award, as the event or the tournament is summed up by the term, ‘to the victor go the spoils.’ When it comes to team sports often

The Value of Loyalty

There used to be a saying that when you chose a team, you chose that team for life. It would appear that the phrase today has become outdated. It is a fact that today the youth follow individual players rather

A Level Paying Field

Whenever people refer to sporting contests the phrase ‘it must be an even playing field’ invariably pops up. Over the years the interpretation of the phrase has changed. It used to mean that the conditions for all contests and or

Crossing the Line – A World Cup Debate

Goalkeepers over the years have been called many things, crazy, being the mildest of the tags they have been given. Some have unfortunately been accused of influencing games with their performances. Yet few have been labeled cheats. Interestingly this was