NTFS#127 – Brand Management and Getting it Right. Perth Glory, F1, Tax payer Funded Events and So Much More

Not the Footy Show Podcast

The celebrations are over as we move onto show number 551, and as usual plenty to discuss with another special guest on a slightly longer than normal show. Perth Glory has a new owner after over 20 years under Tony

New Ownership Must Restore Perth Glory’s Identity.

Anyone who follows sport knows that the key to success in team sports is unity. A shared belief. A coming together for a common goal. So why is it that some sports fail to realise how important this is off

What is The Legacy?

There is a warning that comes when you take a top job in any industry, and that is when you leave you are soon forgotten. Those who were constantly seeking to win favour or receive favours no longer have a

NTFS#125 – Fair Game, Trying to Save Football From Itself, the Sponsorship of National Teams, Plus So Much More…

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Happy New Year! . Welcome to our 549th show in our 19th year thank you to all those who have stuck with us on this journey. If you care about football this is one interview you do not want to

Soccer Boos Ad Campaign.

In most countries across the globe the national team is simply known as the name of the country that they are representing. That is first and foremost what they are referred to and known as. There are a few that