High Fives – If Used Properly

The International Hockey Federation’s bi-ennial Congress was held over the weekend in New Delhi. Much of the event was live-streamed and fans could tune in and hear what was said, and also gauge the reactions of delegates. There were a

Getting Australian Sport Back on Track

They say that sport and Politics do not mix, but most fans of sport and followers of politics know that to be a lie. Modern day sport needs to stay close to Politicians in order to receive their share at

Podcast #57 – Underground Watering of Pitches, The Impact of Broadcasters Moving into the Digital space and the Future of Combat Sports

Not the Footy Show Podcast

There is no doubt that sport is constantly changing and this show we look at some of those changes and whether they will be taken up and how big an impact they will have. Our guest on this show is

Has The NPL Derailed Football in WA?

We have all heard stories of gamblers who keep betting $20 sums or more and lose track of how much they have spent. Their spend may be between $200 – $500 before they record a $100 win that they celebrate

A Roll of the Dice?

What a difference a day makes. No sooner was “How the Mighty Have Fallen” published than we witnessed Malaysian Hockey potentially destroy the past three years of stability with a knee-jerk reaction that one can only assume is linked to