
Playing Away From Home

As any modern-day sports fan knows, sport is big business. To many it is a job, a living, and as such some of the joy of playing is squeezed out of what should be a dream job. In 2010 in

Centre of Gravity

After seven years of campaigning Football in Western Australia had a reason to smile yesterday when the State government announced that it would stump up half of the $32.5million to create a State Football Centre. Needless to say many within

The Demise of The Manager

Has the dawn of the coach seen the demise of the manager, and as a result impacted on teams and clubs? Football fans of all ages know the names of the great managers in the game, the likes of Sir

Is All Sport Really A Business?

Sport in the 21st century we are told is big business. We are also told that sport is no longer about the contest, but about entertainment, and as we all know the entertainment business is a massive industry. However are


“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs” is the opening line and a half of the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling. The end of that second line reads, “and blaming it on you.” There