
Prophetic Words?

Last week followers of football were shocked to hear that the A-League had laid off 50% of their staff. Then probably the bigger shock was that this equated to around 40 people. Which caused many to ask why the A-League

Rule Changes, Changing the Game.

Be it a favourite sweater or any number of things in our lives, you can only patch them up for so long, before you realise that whether you like it or not you have to get a new one. In

Is It Time For More Golden Moments?

Is modern day sport about the contest, or is it purely about entertainment? Ask the television executives who are now the ones predominantly funding sport, and they will tell you that is all about entertainment. Ask the average fan and

Time to Pack Away The Boxes?

There is no doubt that like many industries the sports industry is doing it tough at the moment. In addition, it is not just the Olympic Games that have had to be postponed, and with a lack of insurance many