
Ripping Up The Rules.

Imagine your sport without any rules. It would be complete mayhem. Even when kids play their own games they create an imaginary boundary along the edge of their playing area, they have jumpers an equal distance apart for goals, if

Claims The Sporting Calendar Will Constrict.

There were many who felt that the sporting landscape needed a reality check prior to the Covid-19 Pandemic, certainly Covid has been the catalyst for change. The feeling was that some athletes were being paid salaries that the sport could

Is Outside Help The Answer?

Regrettably for sports fans there are a number of sports locally, nationally and Internationally that face an uncertain future. Sports and clubs that find themselves in dire straits. Some have accepted the predicament that they find themselves in and have

Coaching Courses – Are They Still Relevant Or Do They Just Need To Evolve?

Coaching courses have become a great revenue stream for a number of sports in recent years. While up-skilling coaches is a good thing, the problem comes down to the basic economics of supply and demand. Many nations and many sports

Have Egos Been Put Before the Team?

At the start of 2019 there were few in football in Australia who didn’t believe that the Matildas had a genuine chance of contesting the World Cup Finals in France, which get under way this week. However six months is