Just Another Day?

Growing up there were two sporting events that mattered. Both were such big events they were separated by two years. They were the Football World Cup and the Olympic Games. They were the pinnacle in sport. The modern Olympic Games

Four Day Tests? You Must Have Peebles in your Head

It was the cricket writer Ian Peebles who wrote back in the 1960’s that when it came to new International teams being given Test Cricket status he thought they should be given an abbreviated version than the standard five days.

How Long Will The Games Continue?

Leading into the Commonwealth Games currently taking place in the Gold Coast on Australia’s East coast there was much speculation as to the future of the Games beyond 2022 when Birmingham in England will be the host nation. The Commonwealth

A League of Its Own

Australians are proud sports fans. They love their team to win and they love to boast that despite the small population the country can punch above its weight internationally. Many fans are also extremely knowledgeable whole others have a passing

Women’s Sport Coming to the Fore

There is a saying behind every successful man there is a woman pushing hard. This may soon be changed to behind every successful sport there are women pushing hard. As in Australia it would appear that women are very much