It has been a crazy fortnight in sport in Australia, and so much to discuss, but we restrict ourselves to two topics in detail and one guest; a few other subjects do in fact get airtime!
On this show we have as our guest England and Great Britain Hockey team Manager Andy Halliday. Andy believes that he invented the sport of extreme hockey dribbling and is about to dribble a hockey ball from Cardiff to London a distance of 200 miles. All of this as part of the Hockey for Heroes program to help Britain’s injured servicemen. If you want to support Andy click on it is for a good cause. Any Aussies wishing to take on a similar feat let us know.
In our topics under discussion John looks at the A-league Grand Final and were the television viewing figures really that good? It may have been an exciting final, and full of passion, but did that translate into viewers? Will it lead to a bigger pay out when the next television deal comes around or are television stations no longer going to pay the big bucks?
Ashley questions the decision of the IAAF to clear the record books of any record set before 2005 and asks how far will such cleansing of sport go. What about those athletes who broke records without cheating? Doesn’t such a move lump them in with those believed to have but not proven to have cheated? None of us like drugs in sport but is this really the way to clean up athletics? Surely life bans would be a starting point for those caught cheating.
At the time of posting our Poll from our last show had half time interviews as a complete waste of time scoring 40%. A further 34% said that it did enhance their viewing experience, while 20% said it didn’t. Thanks for voting.
Thank you also for listening. The last podcast had the highest number of downloads on any one day, which is great.
Remember we would love to hear your thoughts so feel free to share them with us, along with any topic you would like to hear discussed.
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