Ripping Up The Rules.

Imagine your sport without any rules. It would be complete mayhem. Even when kids play their own games they create an imaginary boundary along the edge of their playing area, they have jumpers an equal distance apart for goals, if

Neutrality Not Tied to Nationality

It is probably a fair statement to claim that probably the worst sports official you will ever come up against in all your years of playing will be the parent of one of your opponents. Regrettably these parents feel that

Follow the Rules or Follow Your Conscience?

Oh for the days when sport was simple. Two teams, or a group of athletes meeting to challenge each other, to see who was the best on the day, return home only to repeat the challenge a week later. Amongst

You’re Booked: A Life Too Short

You’re Booked: A Life Too Short

“You’re booked” is a series of recommended sporting reads by international sports commentator, Ashley Morrison. An avid book reader and sports lover, these reads are curated from his personal collection of over 1500 sports books. In 2009 on the eve

Once, Twice, Three Times At Glory

These are hard times for the A-League. The wage dispute between the players and the owners has clearly eroded trust. It has also damaged the reputation of the league overseas. Player agents do not like to send players to countries