Some Achieve Greatness, and Others Have Greatness Thrust Upon Them. 

There can be no doubt that when it comes to sport today the words ‘legend’ and ‘great’ are overused. In the past week a former Socceroo was referred to as a “Legend.” A player who played 29 internationals, and without

“I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks.”

Few would disagree that the world has gone mad. Sport should be as it always was a refuge, a place where you could escape the politics and the stresses of everyday life. It was a release. Sadly now with the

Changing the Pitch

The 1976 Montreal Olympic Games were the first to see hockey played on an artificial surface. It was a move that would change the game and have a lasting impact. The reasons for the change come down to which story

Dangerous Liaisons

Everyone is innocent until proven guilty; although sometimes today that is not the case with social media, and some media outlets. It is however how it should be, certainly when it comes to the law. This morning Australia woke up

New Ownership Must Restore Perth Glory’s Identity.

Anyone who follows sport knows that the key to success in team sports is unity. A shared belief. A coming together for a common goal. So why is it that some sports fail to realise how important this is off