rugby 7’s

Time to Stop Cocooning Athletes

Anyone who follows a sport other than what are regarded as the major football codes in this country knows how distorted the reporting can be. When Not the Footy Show was launched back in 2005 we made a note of

Podcast #75 – Women in Coaching, ASADA and the FIH Pro League

Its been a hell of a journey, this is our 499th show! When we set out on this journey the aim was to give non-mainstream sports airtime as well as women in sport, so it is only appropriate that we

Time to Pay Attention

Frequently Sport is built around myths. Today some of the ‘myths’ are in fact well planned and orchestrated to sway opinion. In a world where shortened games of the sports we love are becoming the norm, there are plenty of

Too Much Sport? Is Quantity More Important than Quality?

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,” is part of the opening line of Charles Dickens famous novel “A Tale of Two Cities.”