
A Level Paying Field

Whenever people refer to sporting contests the phrase ‘it must be an even playing field’ invariably pops up. Over the years the interpretation of the phrase has changed. It used to mean that the conditions for all contests and or

The Selection Policy

Sport is loved by many the world over. Yet how many people really know the sport they love? They may know individual teams, players or statistics and results from years gone by, but how many know how the sport is

A Challenge to Human Spirit

It used to be that the world was far more Black and White. Newspapers were in Black and White, Photographs were Black and White, and Television was in Black and White. In those long gone days the rules and laws

The Greatest Comeback? It Has To Be Up There

There is nothing the Sporting World loves more than an underdog, except perhaps a comeback of remarkable proportions. Tiger Woods has by winning the Masters in Augusta just completed one of the biggest comebacks in possibly any sport. Here was

The Club v Country Conundrum.

They say if you wait long enough everything changes. It was back in the early 2000’s that a meeting took place between the then coach of the Socceroos Frank Farina and coach of the Kookaburras Barry Dancer to look at