
Equality or Equity, Which is Really Going to Carry Sport Forward?

The world of sport can be a complex place at times. First and foremost it is a competitive environment. In almost every sport individuals and teams compete against each other in order to find a winner. Despite the modern trend

A Need To Differentiate?

The Australian Masters Games have concluded after being hosted in Perth over the past couple of weeks. It has been great to witness so many individuals participating who have not let age be a barrier to them participating, and continuing

Parting Words…

Today’s sportsmen and women like entertainers do not always have the opportunity to sign off their careers in the way they would like. Maybe that is a downsides of the careers they choose. Maybe when it comes to sports stars

Time to Restore the Trust With Transparency

It was in December 2015 that the sporting world woke up to hear that law enforcement authorities had swooped and arrested many of the top officials in FIFA. Charges were laid against 18 individuals from 12 different countries. Those arrested

No More Heroes Any More

They say that the heroes you have from the time you are 13 years old are the heroes that stay with you the rest of your life. Hopefully you have paused and thought about that for a second, and contemplated