
Ready Steady Tokyo! (Part 3)

Tokyo Olympics Podcast Image

Time for another update from Tokyo to let those who are interested know how things are panning out for one individual. Ashley has now been in Tokyo for over a week and has commentated on four different sports so far

Podcast #97 – The Role of the Media Manager, Sha’Carri Richardson’s Spot of Bother, and A Missed Opportunity.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Despite so little international sport there is still plenty to discuss, especially with the Olympic Games just around the corner. Following on from one of our topics under discussion (Podcast #96)in this show we catch up with former Springbok Media

The Resignation The Sport Had To Have

In November of 1990 with Australia in a recession the former Prime Minister of Australia, who was at that time the Treasurer, Paul Keating, uttered the famous line “this is a recession that Australia had to have.” On Monday of

Some Rules Are Made To Be Broken

The Tokyo Olympic Games will be an Olympic Games unlike any that has gone before. Not only will the covid restrictions make life interesting for the athletes, the judges, umpires, official timekeepers and all of those involved in the media,

Open to Interpretation?

Many believe that one of the issues that has held hockey back from becoming a bigger sport globally is that so many of the rules are interpretive, and left to an individual’s opinion, rather than set in stone. The same