
Podcast #102 – Robin Arkell Talks Strength and Conditioning, While We Ask Should There Be A Statute of Limitations on Athletes and How Many Sports Have Changed Tack During Covid.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Thank you to everyone who tuned into the last podcast which had one of the highest number of people listen since we changed over from a live show to a podcast format. Hopefully as many will tune in to this

Too Much International Sport?

Playing for your country is the pinnacle in most sports. It is an honour and a privilege, and something that once achieved can never be take away. In some countries it is still a treasured moment every time a player

Parting Words…

Today’s sportsmen and women like entertainers do not always have the opportunity to sign off their careers in the way they would like. Maybe that is a downsides of the careers they choose. Maybe when it comes to sports stars

Crossing The Line – Politics and Sport

“It used to be all about winning,” those were the words uttered by a top athlete from the United States about sport in his era, the 1980’s. “Now it’s about entertainment,” he added with a tone of regret. Few would

Podcast #100 – Making Sense Of The A-Leagues Branding, Exploring the Issue of Abuse in Sport, and Talking Equality in Funding in Sport.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Welcome to our 100th Podcast and our 524th show. For those who have only just discovered Not The Footy Show we were a weekly radio show for nine and a half years and when the station closed continued as a