
Sport For All? The Equality Conunudrum

What is equality? Is there really a place for it in sport? The Oxford English Dictionary explains equality as “the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities.” Now that is easy to understand. Move on to the

The Show Must Go On?

‘The show must go on’ is a well-used term in the theatrical world. Both the saying and the principle of ‘the show must go on’ originated in the 19th century. The idea being that if a performer was injured or

Lessons Learnt and the Dawn of a New Era?

What a year it has been for sport! If 20/20 is supposed to be perfect vision, then the year 2020 was an eye test! Domestic and international sport was interrupted like never before due to the Covid 19 Pandemic. The

A PRObable Record Breaker

This year has been a difficult one for many sports. Those running the sport have had to be innovative and creative in order to deliver something; some have managed to do this well, others have struggled. One thing that many

Making It Count.

In individual sporting contests there is no need for a Player of the Match award, as the event or the tournament is summed up by the term, ‘to the victor go the spoils.’ When it comes to team sports often