
Being Democratic Is the Right Thing.

Where has the democracy gone in sport? Why is it so hard to do what is right? The sporting environment has had alarm bells ringing loudly in some sports for over a decade. Why have they been ignored? Is it

Podcast #104 – PANSA – A Community In Sport, Retire or Face Being Dropped and Drugs and the IOC.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

The Perth African Nations Sporting Association is a community group that is doing great work helping not just migrants but Australians of African descent fit into the community through sport. We catch up with Chairperson Achol Madong to hear how

To Broadcast Or Not, That Is The Question

In this current day and age, it appears that every sport wants a slice of the money available from television. Yet how many truly warrant receiving money from the television stations for airing their particular sport? Does their sport bring

Endless Potential?

When it comes to sport there are few things worse than looking back and realising that individually or as a team you never fulfilled your potential. When one looks back on this current period of time many followers of the

The A-League – A Time To Reflect and Change?

‘What has gone wrong with the A-League?’ This was a question posed at a dinner table on the weekend. The person who posed the question had recently read the article “A-League Audience Figures Fall To Alarming New Lows on Channel