
Equality or Equity, Which is Really Going to Carry Sport Forward?

The world of sport can be a complex place at times. First and foremost it is a competitive environment. In almost every sport individuals and teams compete against each other in order to find a winner. Despite the modern trend

Sporting Ties That Bind

When most people enter a sporting event or tournament the thought of cheating does not even enter their mind. Regrettably that cannot be said for everyone in the sporting world. Most sports fans have a few sports that they follow

Is There Equality When It Comes to Judging Coaches?

The unfortunate result of giving people the same title means that be they good or bad they are all lumped in together, be they politicians, managers or coaches. The good ones will ultimately survive the longest, that is as long

The Heart Of The Matter

The way the world is going one sometimes wonders how sport is going to survive. Soon we will witness mixed teams across the board playing sport where the result has been predetermined, so that no one is upset that they

Podcast #108 – The Socceroos Centenary Celebrated, Quantity Over Quality When It Comes To The World Cup Finals, & Are Too Many International Matches Taking the Gloss Off These Tournaments.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

The World Cup and football are the main focus on this show. Australia’s Socceroos have qualified for their fifth consecutive World Cup Finals in Qatar, and congratulations to the players and the team. The timing could not have been better