
Podcast #115 – The Biggest Surf Park in the Southern Hemisphere, A Letter, and Are the Media Really to Blame.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

We’re back for our 19th year and our 539th show. Happy New Year! This show is slightly longer than our normal length but we hope that you will feel it is worth it, as we have a very interesting guest

Podcast #114 – Welcome To Country, Speeches and More Funding for Football.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Live sport is all about entertainment, so why do paying fans have to endure speeches that kill rather than help build the atmosphere leading to a big game? In this show we look at this as well as the issue

Podcast #113 – A Matter of Principles. Our Guest Jimmy Allan Who Stood Up For His Beliefs, How Many Today Would Do The Same? Are Today’s Stars As Committed To Their Beliefs?

Not the Footy Show Podcast

As much as we are told that Politics and Sport should never mix they clearly do and appear to be becoming more and more messy. Our special guest on this show is former Swindon Town goalkeeper Jimmy Allan who took

Time To Instil Respect?

There is a reason that for centuries sport has been an analogy for life, because sport like life can at times be unfair. It can be cruel, yet it can also give you unforgettable euphoric moments. There is an unattributed