
We Are Made By History

Why is it that in today’s world those running not just sport are prepared to put forward ill-conceived ideas and genuinely believe that people are going to accept their preposterous suggestions? Maybe because some people are simply happy to go

Olympic Games Hosting To Be Limited To A Few Cities

Bidding for the world’s major sporting events is an expensive business, as Australia found out in its failed attempt to host the FIFA World Cup. It appears that the Governing bodies are aware that many Governments in tough economic times

Podcast #30 – The New Perth Stadium Under the Spotlight… Plus more.

We are back with another show and plenty to talk about on this show. We must apologise once again that there was a technical glitch on the last podcast – which was subsequently fixed – when it came to the

Have National Olympic Committees A Future?

Every two years all of those countries who compete at the Summer and Winter Olympic Games become aware of their National Olympic Committee, the athletes are fully aware of these bodies, but many armchair fans are less aware. As of

Podcast #29 – The Invictus Games, Football, Water Polo and How Sex Matters

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Where has the time gone? February alread! Thank you to those of you who took the time to give us feedback on the new format and remember we are always open to suggestions on topics to discuss. Feedback is still