
Podcast #73 – Creating a Culture, Mental Health and the ABC and the Olympics.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Another podcast and we inch closer to our 500th show, and as usual there is plenty to talk about and another great guest. “Culture” is a word that is bandied about in sport today with remarkable regularity, but how do

Time to Pay Attention

Frequently Sport is built around myths. Today some of the ‘myths’ are in fact well planned and orchestrated to sway opinion. In a world where shortened games of the sports we love are becoming the norm, there are plenty of

Too Much Sport? Is Quantity More Important than Quality?

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,” is part of the opening line of Charles Dickens famous novel “A Tale of Two Cities.”

Parents Paving the Way to International Success

After losing their opening two games of the 2019 Sultan of Johor Cup New Zealand bounced back from a 2-8 mauling by India to score an emphatic victory over the hosts Malaysia. The final score was 6-0 to the junior

Time To Take Better Care of The Parents

Every aspiring athlete dreams of attending the Olympic Games. Once that is a possibility their parents, family and friends also dream of attending the Olympic Games and supporting them. The dream of being there and sharing a unique experience with