
No “i” in Team, But There Is In Olympics

When it comes to the Olympic Games the International Olympic Committee is very specific as to what it views as a team event. Their definition of a team sport is as follows:• In team sports, the entire game or match

NTFS#130 – Unthink – Born out of Sport But Changing The Way Business Works, Looking Back at Paris, and Anti-Siphoning.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

First of all apologies for the time between podcasts but a family bereavement too priority. So this show is slightly longer than normal. We are sure that you will find that it was well worth the wait as we have

Boxed Into A Corner

There are many people who have managed to say things that make sense succinctly, and are then quoted regularly by the rest of us to sum up what we think or feel. One such quote is “You can please some

The Political Sponsorship Hot Potato

Sports Marketing has become so big today that it has its own subdivision within the marketing industry. Businesses started linking themselves to sport as far back as the 1870’s. The tobacco industry was the first to really seize the opportunity

NTFS#128 – Mental Health in Sport is Under Discussion, As Is World Athletics Paying Medallists in Paris

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Mental health has become a big issue in sport in recent years. Yet are many of the issues being branded as a mental health problem are to many not really deserving of being labelled as such. We have been trying