Author: Ashley Morrison

Sport For All? The Equality Conunudrum

What is equality? Is there really a place for it in sport? The Oxford English Dictionary explains equality as “the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities.” Now that is easy to understand. Move on to the

Who Is Really To Blame?

The English sports media are like a used car salesman. Before every major sporting event they will talk up their team or their athletes and tell everyone who wants to listen how they are going to win, that there is

The Month That Changed the Game.

The early 1980’s were a time when many in India believe there was a changing of the guard. India had won the 1980 Olympic hockey Gold medal in Moscow. It was their eighth Olympic Gold medal in 12 Olympiads; albeit

Inspirational Athletes – 25

In everyone’s life there comes a time when you have to stand up for what you believe. Where you have to stand up and be counted. It was Martin Luther King who said “right defended is stronger than evil triumphant.”

The Simplicity of a Child’s View

“I’m in.” There used to be nothing more satisfying than seeing your name on a team sheet and whispering those words under your breath, no matter what standard of sport you played, or where you played it. In some cases