
You Cannot Put a Price on Integrity

Transparency and integrity are words that are frequently bandied about in the modern sporting world. Words that decades ago rarely needed to be mentioned, as at that time it was accepted by all that the majority in sport played and

Can The Commonwealth Games Survive?

It has been refreshing to hear that there are many people who simply cannot get enthused about the Commonwealth Games and know that you are not alone. With the way of the world today it is amazing that the various

The Heart Of The Matter

The way the world is going one sometimes wonders how sport is going to survive. Soon we will witness mixed teams across the board playing sport where the result has been predetermined, so that no one is upset that they

The Olympic Games Oldest Champion’s Remarkable Journey

For many aspiring athletes their focus is to make it to the Olympic Games. For the few for whom that dream becomes a reality, the goal then becomes to win a medal. For the oldest surviving Olympic medallist her dream

Down And Out In Paris… Not Now.

When times are tough in the world of politics the rule of thumb is to create a diversion. Put a new topic in the spotlight to take people’s minds off the really contentious issue. If ever an organisation was a