Pro League and HIL to Compliment Each Other

Several weeks ago when we ran a story advising that it looked as if there would be no Hockey India League in 2018, (No HIL, Equals Hockey in Limbo)there was an uproar amongst Hockey fans that the highest paid league


On 3rd July I posted a story entitled “No HIL equals Hockey In limbo,” which was picked up by many media outlets in India. It would appear that some in authority were upset that news of an email sent by

No HIL, Equals Hockey In Limbo

There will be no Hockey India League in 2018, if word out of India is correct. It is believed that last week Hockey India sent notice to the International Hockey Federation (FIH) to advise that there would be no League

Podcast #37 – The Hockey Pro-League, Local Football and Revenue Sharing with International Teams All Come Under The Microscope.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

Thank you to all of you downloading the podcast, the last show had the second highest number of downloads on the day it was posted. On this show our focus is once again football, but we turn our attention to

All Eyes on India’s Squad Selection

Tomorrow Hockey India are expected to announce their team for the Rio Olympics and there is great expectation in the country that has won 8 Olympic Gold medals in the sport, although the last one was 36 years ago. India