FIFA President

The Price of Parity

For many years there has been debate as to whether the success of a sporting team, or the hosting of a global sporting event can impact the mood of a nation and ultimately have a result on the outcome of

The Times… Could They Be A-Changing?

If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen, was an oft used phrase when players appear to bow to intense pressure. Now we do not hear it quite as much as we have become more attuned to

Money Still The Priority

Despite the ongoing proceedings in the United States against former FIFA officials Football’s Governing body have been remarkably quiet. Around 40 defendants have been charged with taking more than USD$200million in bribes for TV and commercial contracts. The first to

World Cup Expansion Makes No Sense.

Since when has FIFA listened to what the fans want? Their decision to push on and expand the World Cup Finals from 32 teams to 48 is diluting the competition as a whole, and will most likely mean that the

Bigger Definitely Not Always Better

Sport should always be about quality rather than quantity. A glut of games does not guarantee the quality of the games. Sometimes the expansion of a competition can compromise the quality of the competition, and many of the games become