World Cup

Is There A Change in The Wind?

We all know about “Fake News,” but the question is when is a story not a story? This is a question that is currently being debated in the UK following the findings in the court case between singer  Sir Cliff

Damned If they Do, Damned If they Don’t.

There have been many examples of sports administrators making decisions that defy logic, and when these occur they rightly deserve criticism. However sometimes they find themselves stuck between a rock and hard place as to what exactly is the right

Goalkeepers A Law Unto Themselves

A few days ago we wrote Crossing the Line – A World Cup Debate discussing whether Goalkeepsr at the world cup were cheating by advancing off their line in penalty Shoot-outs at the World Cup or whether this was a

Crossing the Line – A World Cup Debate

Goalkeepers over the years have been called many things, crazy, being the mildest of the tags they have been given. Some have unfortunately been accused of influencing games with their performances. Yet few have been labeled cheats. Interestingly this was

Four Day Tests? You Must Have Peebles in your Head

It was the cricket writer Ian Peebles who wrote back in the 1960’s that when it came to new International teams being given Test Cricket status he thought they should be given an abbreviated version than the standard five days.