World Cup

The Club v Country Conundrum.

They say if you wait long enough everything changes. It was back in the early 2000’s that a meeting took place between the then coach of the Socceroos Frank Farina and coach of the Kookaburras Barry Dancer to look at

Sporting Unity

Sport over the years has witnessed some wonderful signs of unity, times where political and religious differences have been set aside, and athletes have risen above such clashes and respected their opponents as fellow athletes and individuals. Of course sadly

Global Rugby, A Game For All?

Sport used to be about competition. It was based around a tough contest when the whistle, siren or gun sounded and the forming of friendships once the contest was over.  This was the case not only at the highest level

Tap Into Talent

Let’s face it sport today has never been more accessible to fans. You can watch games live at the stadium, on TV, via your phone, tablet or laptop. There are so many ways to watch sport, and now there are

Unclear Communication Leads to Unfair Speculation

No one ever said it was easy being successful. It take a lot of hard work, a lot of self belief when others are saying you won’t make it, determination, dedication and often a slice of luck. When it comes