
Is It Time For Better Governance and Less Government Support For Sport?

We have all heard the saying ‘politics and sport don’t mix.’ Words attributed to Eric Heiden, the former long track speed skater, who won an unprecedented five individual gold medals, and set four Olympic records and one world record at

The A-League – A Time To Reflect and Change?

‘What has gone wrong with the A-League?’ This was a question posed at a dinner table on the weekend. The person who posed the question had recently read the article “A-League Audience Figures Fall To Alarming New Lows on Channel

The Times… Could They Be A-Changing?

If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen, was an oft used phrase when players appear to bow to intense pressure. Now we do not hear it quite as much as we have become more attuned to


“If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs” is the opening line and a half of the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling. The end of that second line reads, “and blaming it on you.” There