
Is A Prediction Coming True? Is a Sport Under Threat From Its Own Governance?

Basketball starts with a tip off, Australian Rules Football starts with a centre bounce, both very unique ways in which to commence a sporting contest. Hockey used to have its own unique way of starting a game with a Bully-off.

Time For Tougher Penalties at The Top

If ever fans needed proof that the commercialisation of sport is more important than the game itself, they need look no further than the suspension handed out to Real Madrid’s Portuguese superstar Ronaldo. Ronaldo received two yellow cards in his

Laps Result in Coach Being Sacked

One of the complaints in Australia is that we are over governed. The key problem being that successive governments bring in new laws but rarely repeal old ones. Does the same apply in sport? Hopefully we are not as bad

Feeling the Pinch Already

There was no doubt that something had to be done in order to stop state league football clubs from haemorrhaging financially, but was the salary cap really the best option? To be frank the clubs only have themselves to blame. They