Do Record-Breaking Feats Need To Be Put Into Context?

Sport is about competition. To many that competition is not as important as it is to those who earn a living from sport. Yet to many who will never be paid to play sport there is a still a strong

Sporting Ties That Bind

When most people enter a sporting event or tournament the thought of cheating does not even enter their mind. Regrettably that cannot be said for everyone in the sporting world. Most sports fans have a few sports that they follow

Is There Equality When It Comes to Judging Coaches?

The unfortunate result of giving people the same title means that be they good or bad they are all lumped in together, be they politicians, managers or coaches. The good ones will ultimately survive the longest, that is as long

Crossing The Floor From Politics to Sport

Despite the oft used phrase ‘politics and sport should never mix,’ it is quite common that sports and politics do. Currently many International Sporting Federations are prevaricating over what to do in relation to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Few have

Knowing Your Boundaries

Most people will have heard of the term “overstepping one’s boundaries.” Trying to find where the phrase originates is not easy. The phrase means to do something that is not acceptable or allowed. For example he/she has overstepped the boundaries