Kenya Looks to Ban Agents In Fight Against Drug Cheats

Drugs are a blight on sport, but with the rewards for success being so high most athletes are prepared to push the boundaries to achieve that fame and wealth. In the 1980’s Chicago-based Bob Goldman, a doctor and founder of

Double May Mean Nothing

There are many who believe that the Australian Finals system is all well and good but that the real champions are the team who came out on top over the whole season, and the winners of the finals should be

No Issues Coming Out For Gay Athletes

The recent reaction to Ian Thorpe’s “Coming Out,” raised and continued to raise some interesting questions about gay athletes and their acceptance in the world in which they make a living. Hot on the heels of the Commonwealth Games, the

Grass Maybe Greener, But Is It Grass?

Often the best way to implement change is with events that have little media attention. If no one says anything then slowly those changes can spread further into a sport and gain momentum to be introduced at the highest level.

London’s Loss Could Be Beijing’s Gain

A fortnight ago we told of how FIFA had put the USA on standby to host the 2022 World Cup should Qatar end up losing hosting rights, and now the word is that the IOC have London on speed dial