United States

Money Still The Priority

Despite the ongoing proceedings in the United States against former FIFA officials Football’s Governing body have been remarkably quiet. Around 40 defendants have been charged with taking more than USD$200million in bribes for TV and commercial contracts. The first to

Time For Tougher Penalties at The Top

If ever fans needed proof that the commercialisation of sport is more important than the game itself, they need look no further than the suspension handed out to Real Madrid’s Portuguese superstar Ronaldo. Ronaldo received two yellow cards in his

Olympic Games Hosting To Be Limited To A Few Cities

Bidding for the world’s major sporting events is an expensive business, as Australia found out in its failed attempt to host the FIFA World Cup. It appears that the Governing bodies are aware that many Governments in tough economic times

Have National Olympic Committees A Future?

Every two years all of those countries who compete at the Summer and Winter Olympic Games become aware of their National Olympic Committee, the athletes are fully aware of these bodies, but many armchair fans are less aware. As of

Far from Heaven with Seven

The number seven is often referred to as God’s own number, and is associated with divine completion and perfection. If only that was an apt description for Seven in Australia. The Rio Olympic Games are the 12th Olympic Games that