Swindon Town

Is It Time For Players to Salary Sacrifice to Save Clubs?

Meeting a childhood hero can be a risky thing. In your mind you have built them up to be bigger and better than they probably are, so the chances are you may well be disappointed that in real life they

Only the Best Will Do.

In 1987 following a second consecutive promotion from what is today Division one to the Championship this writer was fortunate to attend a celebration of the achievement with the players of Swindon Town.. At that function in conversation with one

Podcast #75 – Women in Coaching, ASADA and the FIH Pro League

Its been a hell of a journey, this is our 499th show! When we set out on this journey the aim was to give non-mainstream sports airtime as well as women in sport, so it is only appropriate that we

Neither A Borrower Nor A Lender Be

People of a certain age will no doubt recall the sage advice of their parents, which was to always live within your means. In other words if you couldn’t afford to buy something wait until you could. That school of

Too Much Hype and Not Enough Homework.

As the debate continues as to where the A-League is headed and whether the club owners can steer it to success a recent signing showcased another reason why fans are not being engaged. Call it naivety, call it stupidity, or