Sticking to the Letter of the Law
Whatever the sport the common cry from fans is that they want the rules or laws to be clear cut, and the officiating of those rules or laws to be consistent. Sadly some sports still leave many rules or laws
For sports fans far and wide
Whatever the sport the common cry from fans is that they want the rules or laws to be clear cut, and the officiating of those rules or laws to be consistent. Sadly some sports still leave many rules or laws
We have been following the story of the banning of talented Indian Hockey player Gurbaj Singh for what appeared to be a personality clash with coaching staff. The national team player was banned for nine months from all Hockey in
When someone fragrantly breaks the rules for their own personal gain and glory it is hard to forgive the trust that they have betrayed, certainly in the world of sport. It will take sports fans a long time to forgive