
Managing or Coaching? Or a Combination of the Two?

The late Shane Warne famously quipped “a coach is something you get on to travel to and from the ground.” The dig was aimed at Australian cricket coach John Buchanan. On another occasion he was reported as saying that “Coaching

Why Coming Out In Sport Is Still So Hard

This week Adelaide United’s Josh Cavallo announced that he was gay. It is sad that today such an announcement is still met with words such as ‘courageous’ and ‘brave,’ especially so in a country such as Australia. Over half of

Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now? – The Ashes Question, And The Question of the Centralised Contract

Today the England Cricketers, or those on central contracts who are likely to make up the squad due to tour Australia later this year will be briefed on the plans in place should the Ashes tour of Australia go ahead.

A Late Farewell to a Friend – Vale Simon Massey

As you get older your body frequently reminds you that you are not as young as you once were. It can be frustrating, but one can live with it, as one has happy memories of what you did when you

Is It Time For Players to Salary Sacrifice to Save Clubs?

Meeting a childhood hero can be a risky thing. In your mind you have built them up to be bigger and better than they probably are, so the chances are you may well be disappointed that in real life they