
NTFS#130 – Unthink – Born out of Sport But Changing The Way Business Works, Looking Back at Paris, and Anti-Siphoning.

Not the Footy Show Podcast

First of all apologies for the time between podcasts but a family bereavement too priority. So this show is slightly longer than normal. We are sure that you will find that it was well worth the wait as we have

Who Killed The Joy?

Whenever an iconic figure or one of our heroes pass away it can hit the rest of us hard, for it reminds us of our own mortality. For frequently these figures are locked in our minds as never ageing, as

The Simplicity of a Child’s View

“I’m in.” There used to be nothing more satisfying than seeing your name on a team sheet and whispering those words under your breath, no matter what standard of sport you played, or where you played it. In some cases