Sachin Tendulkar

Too Much International Sport?

Playing for your country is the pinnacle in most sports. It is an honour and a privilege, and something that once achieved can never be take away. In some countries it is still a treasured moment every time a player

Making It Count.

In individual sporting contests there is no need for a Player of the Match award, as the event or the tournament is summed up by the term, ‘to the victor go the spoils.’ When it comes to team sports often

On The Surface

When he was elected President of the International Hockey Federation in Dubai in November 2016 Dr Narinder Batra stated in his presentation prior to voting, “I would like to take Hockey across the globe, extend the boundaries.” He went on

Saving More Than His Team

Who does sport belong to if anyone at all? Or does sport have a life of its own. The playing fields across the world a stage on which thousands have a small part to play? The recent Ashes Test match