
Was This Really In The Spirit of Competition?

Why do we watch sport? Why do we watch the Olympic Games? The reason we watch sport may be completely different to the reason we play, and the reasons one person watches may well be very different to the reasons

Is Location Really The Issue?

There is an old saying that if you run away from a problem, you will not solve the problem, you will simply change the location of it. The Kookaburras returned to Australia with a silver medal from the hockey at

Open to Interpretation?

Many believe that one of the issues that has held hockey back from becoming a bigger sport globally is that so many of the rules are interpretive, and left to an individual’s opinion, rather than set in stone. The same

Voting Rights or Wrongs?

On the 18th of May 1860 the United States Republicans voted after a third ballot for Abraham Lincoln to be their Presidential candidate; he would go on to become the United States 16thPresident.  The favourite in the Republican election for

Losing its Lustre?

So often things are not as they may seem, and with the passing of time the truth can be distorted. In the modern world of marketers, spin-doctors and PR specialists this is even more the case today than it ever