
They Think Its all Over…

Australian footballer Sam Kerr won her day in court. A jury found her not guilty on one count of racially aggravated harassment of Metropolitan Police Constable Stephen Lovell. It took the jury just over four hours to reach the not

A Day That Should Be Remembered

There are some anniversaries that sporting teams like to let pass with little or no fanfare, and understandably so. One such anniversary passed just over a week ago and while there was little in the British press there was understandably

A Time To Go Public or Not?

In today’s society we are frequently reminded that one must have a “digital presence.” We are also frequently told that various activities such as sport are “inclusive.” Are these statements really true? Is there a time and a place for

Don’t Be Fooled By Marketing Spin

We all know that marketers are the masters of changing facts to sell a product. There has been an advertisement airing featuring four of the Socceroos promoting the A-League sponsor and the league itself. The name of the advertisement and

Time For Tougher Penalties at The Top

If ever fans needed proof that the commercialisation of sport is more important than the game itself, they need look no further than the suspension handed out to Real Madrid’s Portuguese superstar Ronaldo. Ronaldo received two yellow cards in his