Turning Over The Tables
The Olympic Games are supposed to be a celebration of the human spirit. A time when most of us sit back and watch in awe and admiration individuals who have worked tirelessly to be the best in their chosen event
For sports fans far and wide
The Olympic Games are supposed to be a celebration of the human spirit. A time when most of us sit back and watch in awe and admiration individuals who have worked tirelessly to be the best in their chosen event
The Tokyo Olympic Games will be an Olympic Games unlike any that has gone before. Not only will the covid restrictions make life interesting for the athletes, the judges, umpires, official timekeepers and all of those involved in the media,
So often things are not as they may seem, and with the passing of time the truth can be distorted. In the modern world of marketers, spin-doctors and PR specialists this is even more the case today than it ever
It was the Tanzanian marathon runner John Akwhari who famously said after finishing the 1968 Olympic Marathon long after his fellow competitors had finished, and as they were packing up the stadium, “My country did not send me 5,000 miles
Sex at the Olympics has always been a favourite topic as the Games near their conclusion, and with Brazil being the land of the Samba and the Jongo a higher number of athletes rising to the occasion is expected in