olympic games

What Is Best For The Sport Must Be The Number One Priority.

We have all seen the scene in Hollywood movies, where the protagonist walks into the distance leaving explosions and chaos behind them. Following the comment from the outgoing President of Hockey Australia, Melanie Woosnam that the High Performance program will

Was This Really In The Spirit of Competition?

Why do we watch sport? Why do we watch the Olympic Games? The reason we watch sport may be completely different to the reason we play, and the reasons one person watches may well be very different to the reasons

Ready Steady Tokyo! (Part 5)

Tokyo Olympics Podcast Image

The Games come to an end tomorrow and I head home. They have been an Olympic Games like no other. Hopefully we will never seen another Games like these in Tokyo, where the fans are locked out. Looking back there

Ready Steady Tokyo! (Part 4)

Tokyo Olympics Podcast Image

We are well into the second week here in Tokyo and many are coming out of the 14 day bubble… Despite the lack of crowds the performances of many athletes has been fantastic. However Ashley asks whether some events need

Turning Over The Tables

The Olympic Games are supposed to be a celebration of the human spirit. A time when most of us sit back and watch in awe and admiration individuals who have worked tirelessly to be the best in their chosen event