National Premier Leagues

Actions Would Mean More Than Words

When the Football Federation of Australia unveiled its Strategic plan for 2016-2019 this week the CEO, David Gallop was quoted as saying “Results at youth international level matter, but not as much as finding the next generation of stars to

The Cost of Success

It’s not about winning, it’s about development. That has been the catch cry in football for the past few years since the introduction of the National Premier Leagues, But is it really? Today Bayswater City have the chance to make

And The Nominations Are… Non-Existant.

It should have come as no surprise to many the email received by State League clubs from Football West earlier this week stating, “we received only two nominations for the State League Standing Committee.” The email from Keith Wood the

Failing to Meet Expectations – The Non Profit League

When Football West launched their branch of the National Premier Leagues, the CEO Peter Hugg said “The start of the NPL WA represents the end of a long period of planning but there will continue to be a need for